Wiseman Jack IEASA President, 2021-2022
On behalf of the IEASA Council, it is my great honour and pleasure to invite internationalisation association leaders, practitioners, researchers, academics, and students from all over the world to attend the 24th IEASA Annual Conference, which is going to take place online from 24 to 26 August 2022.
Building on the success of previous conferences, the theme for 2022 is “Reigniting and Reimagining the Internationalisation of Higher Education in South Africa”, which aims to cover a range of critical aspects of internationalisation in a post Covid -19 pandemic era. I am looking forward to the engagements and to learning about the latest trends and approaches that can help shape the African interaction with both the Global South and Global North.
We have an exciting programme at this conference that will allow all speakers and delegates to reflect on and jointly explore current and future research directions. I am encouraging you to register and join the discussions.
The two-day conference programme is filled with two keynote addresses, panel discussions and plenary talks as well as parallel sessions, and the third day is dedicated to an empowering workshop. This conference will be one for us to share our thoughts and exchange ideas on how to chart our journey forward to reach new heights after a global disruption by the pandemic.
I am eagerly anticipating an excellent meeting with brilliant ideas. Our collaborative efforts have the have the change the destiny.
I add my best wishes for a successful and fruitful conference and extend my gratitude to all the organisers.